As I said before counsel advice to not the rock the boat-which is typical advice -would come during negotiations-especially critical juncture of such.
Since much of the current situation resulted from said March 2010 promo (even non-regulatory otc does not allow promos unless "current" classification) you can see why counsel would advise tight lips until the settlement or finalization of the matter-such advice usually comes during a critical stage of negotiations-and since we have been waiting for 2 months? since such advice to the company, imo it should logically be settled soon.
CWRN was 1 of only 2 companies in the cattle drive complaint in which sec didnt ask any officer or director to resign-an indication they had less on CWRN than other companies in the complaint. Its not a complicated case imo. Regulations which I've read set out the range of monetary penalty,w a max of 250k for the worst cases-I may have posted that info/regulations a long time ago.