Yes... laughable... wonder IF arvitar has any clue HOW MANY TIMES the SEC/DOJ have received complaints about manipulative trading in JBII and orchestrated bashing by non-owners day in and day out with his name included in the list of ABUSIVE iFUDsters trying to accomplish what?
Be the cause of JBI to fail?
Be the instrument of LOSS of VALUE to JBII shares at the expense of those who do OWN shares?
The day may come WHEN the SEC/DOJ does a follow-up investigation of activity on iFUD looking to expand on the original iHub ELEVEN...
a LOOK BACK at the activities on iFUD's JBII board once the company is CFP & survives is NOT improbable... the SEC (like the NY DEC) surely has records of all the bogus "scam" & "fraud" reports made by a SELECT GROUP of iFUDsters!