I posted on Ihub and hit my 15 post limit. Anyways i have contacted the SEC about Ihub:
agreed. I already contacted the SEC about this. I will be compiling the necessary information over the coming weeks. Researching MIHL and any related inceidents in I hub (i already know of atleast 5-10 other stocks affected by this). It is in fact illegal to co conspire to try to scare investors!
The SEC can intervene if they believe the a company or group of people are injustly manipulating information, augmenting the investors as a whole. Aiding and embedding on a web site is the same as doing so to a criminal, and the SEC has stated that this is the only way they would intervene regardless as to what internet posting laws are out.
The SEC is willing to take the necessary action in preventing Investors and companies from being harmed as a whole so long as it is justified and reasonable. Therefore if posters are bashing a company and the management of the catalyst is not responding properly that is a red flag and can be looked into.
I will be doing thorough research as to all boards to determine how many investors deal with this within Ihub. If the SEC determines there is grounds for looking into this matter they have every right to hold IHUB accountable for Market tier manipulation charges. which would be HUGE!
This being deleted would then be an indication as to guilt i would presume seeing as though it is on topic and from teh SEC's mouth to my ears to this post!
This has everything to do with MIHL Since this board is one of many affected by the aiding of bashers :)
Anyways if anyone can give me names of other stock boards on Ihub i will be working on shuttting it DOWN! i personally cant stand Admin Dave....and i know he hates my guts cause he passes me off to the other admins. Anyways the above post is what i posted on Ihub look for it to be delted soon if not right now. Also Tell Jonny4rockets I hub wont care, tell him, they even go so far as to send me to the web posting laws and regulations and hide behind it like sheep. Anyways i found a creative way to go arround that wool wall they hide behind. The SEC can just avoid it then go straight for Ihub if they are allowing company attacks and postings of invalid information. Also I hub is understaffed and the SEC will be informed of that as a valid issue contributing to the lack of crack down. However the real issue is they do not understand whats legitimate and not and theres no way to undo the deletion because I hub laws state "Admins on Ihub are too afraid to admit being wrong since they are gods and are dictators on a site". Anyways Ihub has to follow SEC regulations because their business targets investors...unfortunately that trumps posting laws. The business industry Ihub is in is what makes this 2 regulation standards that must be met. Its peoples money and that trumps internet posting laws!