We are one of the few who have had power restored back in our homes today. Hoping more power will be restored to other neighborhoods. It might be a long haul. As for todays trading I really have not paid much attention. I will start getting back into this tomorrow. Hope everyone is safe and my thoughts are with those who were not so lucky and displaced from their homes. Our local politicians have been true leaders surveying the damages and personally helping rescue efforts with first responders and the people of their communuity in Staten Island. They have been relentless and I am very appreciative of all their efforts.
A facebook post I thought was interesting, one poster asked how much foreign aid will pour into New York and the surrounding areas due to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy? I think we all know the answer to that, just ask the people of Katrina. we are Americans first and foremost and we will be strong and rebuild our own communities one by one. It may take some time but we will will recover. Depcom