Power Fail: Obama Directs Storm Victims To … The Internet
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The people in need of the most help today after the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy, are those living in a number of states along the East Coast that have lost power. And yet, at least according to Politico, while these people had the electricity necessary to get the information needed, neither the White House nor FEMA gave anyone instructions on where to turn for help or where to go for information in the event of a power outage:
When President Barack Obama urged Americans under siege from Hurricane Sandy to stay inside and keep watch on ready.gov for the latest, he left out something pretty important — where to turn if the electricity goes out.
Despite the heightened expectation of widespread power and cable television failures, everyone from the president to local newscasters seem to expect the public to rely entirely on the Internet and their TVs for vital news and instructions.
Everyone with an IQ above room temperature knew that one of the most crippling effects of Sandy would most certainly be widespread power and cable television outages — and yet, no one in charge at the White House even considered offering up information that included emergency telephone numbers or radio stations.
Read more: http://patriotupdate.com/31822/power-fail-oba...z2AsYovxlO