Posted On: 07/11/2014 1:44:32 PM
Post# of 43065
I dare someone to call the Brewer's group and see if they even answer the phone, and leave a message, that you want to buy a machine.
See if they even call you back, or maybe say, huh?
I suspect that such a call would get no response from them.
IMO JBI, Brewer Group, or engineering consultants KNOW who the likely buyers are & a phone call from me... or anyone else "cold and out of the blue"... would generate only a lifted eyebrow to acknowledge a game being played.
That said, I know how you feel about the decline and the GRIND DOWN at the hands of the OTC market. Choice is to watch paper loss and wait because positive events have happened (saving JBI from former mgmt thanks to whistleblower-former-BoD members , for example)..
-or- DCA more shares and bring down cost basis if you choose to do so...
-or- just sell and move (ALMOST) on, as Snow did. He only comes back now & then to tout Cassandra as the winner in the pyrolysis race... which might be premature.
Similar to a couple of other former strong-long now whiners with multiple complaints.
There are a lot of disillusioned people who own or used to own shares in JBI. Just as the "perfect storm" came into being... the "perfect disappointment" has been thus far created in JBI by multiple forces acting in concert!!!.
SINCE JBI has NOT been KILLED OFF by the Toad Queen, Welland 3, and the ex-psycho gf with her engimeer bf... or its own errors, I remain optimistic that there might be a processor sale in 2014.
If not, I did have on my big boy pants when I BOT TRTN & on the occasions I BOT JBII. I knew my risk tolerance, I placed my bets!
I listen to Kenny Rogers sing "the Gambler" more often than just when I am seeing it sung in the recent commercials on tv. (YouseTube is so thrilling!) lol... search Johnny Bagpipes Fire!
I guess this is ONE TIME when I have decided to HOLD "EM until time to lay the hand down for all to see!

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