Posted On: 07/11/2014 1:07:33 PM
Post# of 98430

CommonVestor Friday, 05/02/14 10:07:47 AM
Re: vikingzskillz post# 51897
Post # of 53972
Thank you Viking for all your hard efforts keeping up on the boards. I'll chime in and follow up with your statements. To answer a question from GMANN since he is hold a big number of shares like Viking and myself.
-EPGL was one of the first companies to mention Google Glass integration, they understand the platform and once you have an idea how to work within the technology, much can be grown from there...want proof..why not
- EPGL then submits a PR on the creation of self powered SMART contact lenses, which gained a lot of exposure on medical websites if you look around the interest all over the globe; numerous website published this article. Yeah that's right its on the WSJ the third paragraph sounds like google glass to me. HINT HINT
- EPGL then releases article again about the use of these contact lenses.
- Google has made it known publically that their main issue with the carry out of the lenses is the power source. The battery and RF is a legacy idea, and are need of a power source....wait for it..
- EPGL Technology Selected by Major Corporation for Development
- EPGL Med ?@EPGLMed · Jan 14 ---
EPGL NEWS: Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) Speaks About EPGL's Agreement with Major NYSE Company...Notice the dates of this tweet and google article.
-EPGL Med ?@EPGLMed · Feb 19
EPGL in California Bay Area this Week for Meetings.
EPGL Developing Wearable Tech
These dot are here and they connecting, EPGL has said publically they cannot disclose about the agreement because of confidentially agreements and that included share holders. In due time we will see what this all meant and I cannot give a time line but I can say that they're are on the brink of something and we as shareholders can run or speculate and invest accordingly. There's enough there for me to make the connection. EPGL for me is working with a company that has the means to assist EPGL and dr.markus in designing their technology and funding them. This company is working with google. I could be wrong but at I have a reasons backed my DD. If an article comes out and automatically is discredited by saying, well they said they have a contract but its only an article saying the contract was developed. We're just splitting hairs for the shear purpose of creating doubt. Theres nothing there of substance, if that's the case every article that comes out is lie from all companies. When google, Microsoft and fortune 500 company puts out an article its credited because of the company who put it out. Not because they have to show supporting evidence. If you want evidence look up dr.markus work history as an engineer, its documented. ohhh wait
CommonVestor Friday, 05/02/14 10:07:47 AM
Re: vikingzskillz post# 51897
Post # of 53972
Thank you Viking for all your hard efforts keeping up on the boards. I'll chime in and follow up with your statements. To answer a question from GMANN since he is hold a big number of shares like Viking and myself.
-EPGL was one of the first companies to mention Google Glass integration, they understand the platform and once you have an idea how to work within the technology, much can be grown from there...want proof..why not
- EPGL then submits a PR on the creation of self powered SMART contact lenses, which gained a lot of exposure on medical websites if you look around the interest all over the globe; numerous website published this article. Yeah that's right its on the WSJ the third paragraph sounds like google glass to me. HINT HINT
- EPGL then releases article again about the use of these contact lenses.
- Google has made it known publically that their main issue with the carry out of the lenses is the power source. The battery and RF is a legacy idea, and are need of a power source....wait for it..
- EPGL Technology Selected by Major Corporation for Development
- EPGL Med ?@EPGLMed · Jan 14 ---
EPGL NEWS: Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) Speaks About EPGL's Agreement with Major NYSE Company...Notice the dates of this tweet and google article.
-EPGL Med ?@EPGLMed · Feb 19
EPGL in California Bay Area this Week for Meetings.
EPGL Developing Wearable Tech
These dot are here and they connecting, EPGL has said publically they cannot disclose about the agreement because of confidentially agreements and that included share holders. In due time we will see what this all meant and I cannot give a time line but I can say that they're are on the brink of something and we as shareholders can run or speculate and invest accordingly. There's enough there for me to make the connection. EPGL for me is working with a company that has the means to assist EPGL and dr.markus in designing their technology and funding them. This company is working with google. I could be wrong but at I have a reasons backed my DD. If an article comes out and automatically is discredited by saying, well they said they have a contract but its only an article saying the contract was developed. We're just splitting hairs for the shear purpose of creating doubt. Theres nothing there of substance, if that's the case every article that comes out is lie from all companies. When google, Microsoft and fortune 500 company puts out an article its credited because of the company who put it out. Not because they have to show supporting evidence. If you want evidence look up dr.markus work history as an engineer, its documented. ohhh wait

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