Hey folks, I just popped over here from, you know... <whispers> The OTHER board... I posted over there 2, maybe 3 times. Wow, what a breath of fresh air this board is. I may not know much about trading stock (still learning!), but I know BS when I see it, and man, the BS over there could drown a man. Lol!
Anyway, I'm a long-time holder of RFMK stock. In fact, RFMK was the first stock I ever bought, about a year and a half ago. Glad to find this board! I'll be keeping up with this one instead now. Unless I need a good laugh sometime, then I'll pop over to the other one!
One thing, though... I'm suspicious by nature, especially when it comes to online communications, so please forgive the question. How do we know that the CherylShuman on this board is the real deal, and not some chucklehead who snagged her photo off Facebook? Just askin'...
Anyways, I'm all RFMK! Looking forward to great things!!!