Michael Moore, Moveon.org video features dirty-mouthed old people lambasting Republicans, Romney
Liberal film producer Michael Moore is out with a new “NSFW” (not safe for work) Moveon.org campaign ad featuring elderly nursing home residents cursing and describing the dirty things they will do if the Republican Party and GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney win the election.
“I was born in 1915 during World War I. My first vote was in 1940 for Franklin D. Roosevelt and I have not missed an election since,” says 97-year-old Marie, in the video. “And I want the Republican Party to know, if your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama we will burn this motherfucker down. ”
“Si se puede,” adds her unidentified nursing home peer.
Dorothi, a 75-year-old, recalls how she “has been very blessed,” however she makes it clear she is no Romney fan.
“If the Republicans steal this election, I am going to track down Mitt Romney and give him the world’s biggest cock-punch…What’s the matter sonny, ain’t you never heard that phrase, cock-punch?”
“Right in the nutsack,” she adds.
Watch :
Marie, Dorothi and their cohort are not alone in their Romney disdain.
John, an 85-year-old World War II veteran, adds that they will be ensuring that Republicans do not take future elections by holding the next generation accountable.
“If you let the Republicans do this to you again, after we die, we are going to look down on you from Heaven and we’re going to make a point of watching you have sex, every time,” John says. “No matter how kinky.”
“Especially if we are related,” adds Marie.
They conclude by advocating Americans sign up with Moveon.org and “get out the vote.”
The video, featured prominently on Moveon.org’s website and — according to Politico – promoted by Moore over email, makes its explicit content clear.
“P.S. This isn’t safe for work. Not by a lonnnng shot,” Moveon.org explains on its website.