I believe win-win & Scarfizz are the same. I responded to a win win post & got SCAR's Alias last week.
I also posted that you owned your Ferrari pre-RFMK on Sunday and nobody on Iscrub listened.
That win win is something else. I was deleted 5 times yesterday responding to his BS, a number of direct attacks on you. I have requested a review each time only to be put down by LINDA (admin). She allows all their cdap & beats us to death. But, I will continue my attack on them because it takes about 10 minutes for deletion. Helps a little.
Keep up the good work. If you can push Tom for a 10k shareholder update, the timing couldn't be better. I totally agree with Yoda and I don't believe there are any LONGS who don't look to Yoda for leadership. Please see what you can do!!