Bingo! RFMK is the perfect storm!
Though in my opinion, epic history cannot be made until investors can see for themselves the 10K officially filed with the SEC. We now have (maybe) 5 trading days until the elections and no sign of the 10K. If the 10K does not get filed before elections then it is not the end of the world, however, we shareholders do require the 10K to be filed at some point this year. On the business side, RFMK is firing on all cylinders, but we are still lacking transparency for investors on the stock side. We need a shareholder update to tell us if the auditors have received the 10K and if it is in their hands now then about how long will it be until they are done auditing and ready to send it off to the SEC? Right now there are quite a few haters and bashers ranting against the company, stock and management, mainly because of the lack of the 10K filing. IMO we would see most of them get shut-up pretty fast if we just got that 10K actually filed for once and for all.
Mr Allinder... where is the 10K? At the current time, IMO, that is the only thing that matters. As a disciplined long term investor, I simply cannot buy another share until I see that 10K filing and I hold a rather large position and I am bullish on the company, but we need transparency. Every day that goes by and we do not have the 10K filed is that much more credibility that is taken away from the company. Sorry to say it, I love the product, Cheryl and the company but management seriously needs to give us transparency or else all bets are off here.