Here are facts taken mostly from the 8k Its all in black and white.
You see the use of that "or" that I've bolded?
Yes, I see it, we all see it. So what? They either directly own the beverage themselves or have exclusivity to the beverage. Either way, it is in the Emperial Americas portfolio and can be legally claimed as their product. This is fundamental business 101.
(also known, but unofficially as far as SEC and every other content provider is concerned as Emperial Americas)
This is NOT correct. Let's once again consult the 8-K para 5.03.
"On January 5, 2012, our Board of Directors and by a vote of the majority of the voting shares of the Corporation approved the change of the name of the corporation from Team Nation Holdings, Corp. to Emperial Americas, Inc. and the change of address of the Corporation to Sarasota Courthouse Center, 1990 Main Street, Suite 150, Sarasota, Florida 34236."
How much more official do you want? It's right there in black and white.
is licensed by the manufacturers of Tequila Distinguido to use the brand names, i.e. has the "exclusive rights" while actual ownership of the brands remains with the manufacturer.
The "manufacturer" as you call it, is Joel Contreras. He is the DIRECTOR of Emperial Americas. Once again from the 8-K: "Joel Contreras, Director...In 2003 he and his family engineered Tequila Distinguido and several other premium tequilas in which he is responsible for production and CRT compliances for Emperial Americas."
Say it with me, Joel Contreras is RESPONSIBLE for producing Tequila Distinguido FOR EMPERIAL AMERICAS. Once again, in black and white.
The reality is, of course, that TEMN's sole filing to date is highly ambiguous and open to several different interpretations.
While the 8-k is very legalistic, it clearly answers these points your post.
how much money do they have if any?
what debts do they have?
what contracts with other clients do they have?
what is the nature of their contract with the manufacturers of Tequila Distinguido?
what are their plans to extend distribution beyond Illinois and one place in Texas, which seems to have been in place already before TEMN was (partly) rebranded Emperial Americas?
what offices do they have, if any?
what the is current A/S and O/S after the "new" management took over?
how many "preferred" and common shares did the "new" owners give themselves?
1. Financials: As stated in 8-K audited financials are forthcoming. I have done a little more analysis about this but am keeping it close hold until I release my big DD post.
2. Debts: 8-k clearly states that Team Nation debt is settled and Emperial Americas is indemnified from it. Emperial Americas debt is in the amount of $475,000 to Victory Partners (from 8-k).
3. Contracts: They have state-wide distribution agreements in at least 2 states and are authorized to sell in 51 markets across the U.S. A nation-wide distribution agreement with Southern Wines is in the works.
4. Tequila Dist.: This has already been answered.
5. Distribution: See above. Also, Team Nations is not partly rebranded as Emperial Americas. Team Nations no longer exists.
6. Offices: We know that they have headquarters in Florida and offices in Texas from the 8-k.
7. Shares: From the 8-k, 60 preferred Series A shares were transferred to Emperial Americas board, divesting all preferred shares from the previous owners. Additionally, 1 billion common shares held by the previous owners at 250 million per person was transferred to Victory Partners and then to Emperial Americas. This is where the $475,000 debt comes in.
So you see, ALL of the information is out there. Just go read the 8-K for yourself.
Emperial Americas is the DISTRIBUTOR for the product they do not own the distillery, the plants, the land, or even the bottles.
This is incorrect. Emperial Americas in fact, OWNS the brands that it distributes. Straight from 8-k para 2.01 "the company owns its brands or, has the exclusive rights"
Tequila Distinguido is not a new face in town they have been around a long long time.
They have been around since 2003. When EMPERIAL AMERICAS Director, Joel Contreras, created it. See 8-k para 5.02 "In 2003 he and his family engineered Tequila Distinguido and several other premium tequilas in which he is responsible for production and CRT compliances for Emperial Americas."
Yes there is a partnership between the two, but what is being offered here is investment in Emperial Americas a liquor distributor that so far has one product to offer.
Once again, this is not correct. Emperial Americas OWNS the brands that it distributes. See above.
Off their own web sight Quote:Emperial Americas, Inc. develops, imports, markets and supplies branded alcoholic beverages. Potential?
Yes, this is accurate. They develop and import ie: Tequila Distinguido (Joel Contreras), Independence Rye, and Broken Barrel Bourbon. Potential you ask? Just wait and see my DD post that I am putting together. It's more than potential, its actual.
Time will show us all, however rampant speculation could leave quite a few crestfallen as to the the level of PPS this DISTRIBUTOR can deliver on. Let's just keep it real.
Yes there has been speculation by some. But the facts remain as presented. Everything is out there for people to find. Things appear to be setting up very nicely.
These are the FACTS.
(posted by Qwerty4) ** this is a very good post and diserved to be posted here ... IMO **