For the record, I've never hid my illness. Even though technically I qualify as being "disabled" by our government, I have never ever collected a penny. Rather I choose to work through all pain, all illness, take care of myself and take the one day off in more then 30 straight working days. I have a work ethic second to none. I will NEVER stop working for this cause. I will NEVER stop working to make RFMK the leader in this sector. I will NEVER fail because failure is not an option. Everyone here knows that I am 100% dedicated.
We are on our way.
Laser Sharp Focus
Clear Path
Destiny Within Reach :)
Ferrari California $250,000k + CANNAcig by $RFMK $99.95 + Cheryl Shuman = PRICELESS!!!! #Marijuana #Stocks Please RT:)