Two things...
Raggertail is not in the monofills? Where did that come from? Of course that's what's in them. Just because it is not plastic only doesn't mean it is not one type of waste. Raggertail is what is left over from the cardboard recycling process.
I've been reconsidering that smaller unit. I agreed with the thought that it could be for petcoke removal. But I didn't feel comfortable with that. Someone suggested that it was a new premelt. That got me thinking.
I think it is more likely that the smaller unit is the new design for the unit to which the melted plastic is transferred. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier as I have said in the past that it should no longer be necessary to have such a large unit for that component. I think the three "stacks " on the larger unit are somehow involved with petcoke removal. I still don't have a good sense of how that difficult problem is resolved. I suspect it cannot be completely resolved, but somehow ameliorated.
I am very interested to find out how this mess of a problem is resolved.