I know some on the board have indicated we may see positive indicators quite early in the testing but I did not know the initial dose, as stated in your post, was to be well above the usual. Very pleased to know that and hope for all concerned, mainly the patients, that the side effects prove minimal. Hard to imagine we are on the cusp of a trial that is so important to the world of those dealing with cancer and the light at the end of the tunnel could become a blazing laser in a very short time.
I also informed a friend that has a grandson with autism last night about the CTIX autism compound, KM-391, in developmen. That community is in such need of any kind of hope that I pray our product may give them the answer they have been looking for to help in the treatment of this terrible condition. They will be contacting CTIX to be put on the email list for any and all news re: the compound. Does anyone know if this compound is expected to help those that have had autism for quite some time or is more suited for babies where the condition can be caught quite early in development or is it too early at this time for any such determination to be made?