Man I tell ya Roberts is an A$$. He has absolutely NO proof whatsoever of an SEC investigation. The SEC will NOT admit to ANY investigation! We need to call him out on his SEC claims. If people realize he's just blowing smoke he might cut out all his bull sh!t on ihub. Any of you guys catch R2's posts? Sounds like he really knows something ...
Actually Chris, it would be illegal for mihlboard to post specific deal details here... Thus why he hasn't. Dr. Husid is following the security
laws to a T because MIHL isn't a "scam" as you call it. As far as your BASELESS and OUTRIGHT LIES about the "SEC following and watching closely"... THE SEC WILL NOT ADMIT OR GIVE ANY DETAILS TO ANY CURRENT OR FUTURE INVESTIGATION INTO ANY SECURITY. So I suggest that any current or potential investors
put negative posters on ignore so as to not allow the "smoke" to cloud judgement.
Question for you based on your post...
"The SEC is watching closely, be sure of that. "
Please fill us in as to what PROOF you have. Please go ahead and inform us. Save us all from loosing our money. Lmfao. If you can't provide anything at all, then we all know who the real fraud is.
Lol, more like Carlos is being watched I think.
You got that right buddy. I CAN confirm an investigation into him by a different law enforcement agencyBased on the posts he makes here and was previously making on another board, he hasn't learned. He will get a knock on his door very soon I can promise you that
We all know people in this world... and some in law enforcement
The baseless libel postings should stop in about a month so Ive been informed... Sooner if he keeps it up
MIHL for BIG profits
soon. GLTA