I own some GALE and I am hopeful for their treatment. However it is for one specific type of breast cancer. IF, and I agree it's an IF, Kevetrin works, it will probably be useful for the 50% (estimated) of cancers that seem to have p51 gene problems. It's a MUCH bigger market. Also, GALE has only their anti-cancer "vaccine" which hopefully boosts the patient's immune system to kill off the cancer. CTIX has the anti-psoriasis drug Prurisol rapidly heading toward human trials. We've been calling it the "insurance policy" for CTIX, the same way that MDVN has recovered dramatically, up 500% from the failure of their flagship drug, because of other stuff in the pipeline.
Kevetrin is also a brand-new approach, one that companies have been trying unsuccessfully to use for 20 years. If it works in humans as well as in the "humanized" mice, it is a new frontier.