The Faustian Bargain of Naked Short Selling TECO
Obviously we had a close above 3 cents today, and next week it's going to close above 4 and probably even 5 cents. News will spread via word of mouth over the weekend, followed by a PR and financials at some point. The bears are about to be toast.
Mephistopheles offered a deal to that the ARGY/TECO bears that they could not pass up, live the high life today and enjoy the fruits of seeds that they did not sew, in exchange for their soul. The bears gladly accepted a front loaded reward while quietly snickering with fingers crossed behind their back, for they never planned on paying the devil his dues.
Unfortunately, they had already delivered their souls into the devil's all too willing hands. For greed, which is really nothing more than an insatiable appetite, is it's own punishment. No matter how much they feast, indulge, or fornicate, they will forever be left wanting.
The more cash they take out through their naked short selling of TECO, the more they must in-debt themselves in the period after to delay paying the devil his dues. Maybe if they repent now while they still can, the heavens will in their good graces grant them some mercy and they will only have to cover at a 50% loss as opposed to the utter annihilation of their firm.
However, with greed comes hubris, yet another sin, which will all but guaranty that the losses the bears will face shall be nothing short of catastrophic. Since the bears have already forked over their soul, the punishment will be to live the rest of their lives in financial ruin, disgraced, and possibly incarcerated. The blatant manipulation of TECO is likely only one of many misdeeds that they have committed, and if there's one thing that we have learned from the likes of scumbag money managers like Bernie Madoff, Alan Stanford, and Sam Israel, nothing gets investors and authorities attention faster than massive losses.
What little time the bears have left is all borrowed from Treaty and it's shareholders. It is only fitting that this close to Halloween that the Grim Reaper's footsteps can be heard coming to collect on a payment long overdue.