We have achieved a landmark. The other board now has acquired a BASHER. This means someone is trying to scare people out of their stock. This is what I posted over there, let's see how long it takes for it to be deleted and for me to be put on posting restrictions:
I am posting this same post on several forums, just as a general comment.
Many of us have read articles by people who purport to be paid by various hedge funds or other interested parties, to either bash or pump stock. These people use the "broken record" method, by continually repeating the same misinformation or misinterpretation of facts, and do not respond to the replies by those who know the actual facts. Often these people in the articles have claimed that they are paid not only by how frequently they post, but by how many responses to their posts there are.
My conclusion is that if you think that someone is not posting in good faith, and you feel you just HAVE to respond, you should do so NOT by clicking the reply button, but by posting a NEW post. If you are correct in your conclusion, at least it makes it more difficult for them to get paid.