You are correct about perception. 10 people can perceive the same story, product, stock, 10 different ways. The silence can be deafening right now. And trust at this point in a dark time can be difficult. I have been there myself. But continued research and DD into Kmag still shows nothing but the same solid company that Jeff told us he was building. I know this sounds like more of the same, just have faiths speech. I do not expect anyone here to trust in anothers DD but I will say some of us have still been digging into this in order to protect our investments if needed. That is the harsh reality. If this needs to be dumped and I lose 90k so be it. That being said from our continued research I have put in an order for 700k this morning and will see where the pps goes this afternoon for another order. I believe the bogus pic from yesterday was a blessing in disguise for some of us in the long term. Not for today or next month. This deal is far from over but I will say I feel better about this stock this morning than I have since the suspension. Good luck to all here.