Posted On: 06/22/2014 1:39:21 PM
Post# of 7769
This iHub post should not be posted, but just in the event it is, I have pasted it here. I am finished debating this topic...rinse and repeat...
CHP said, in part, as follows: "Not only will this protect your capital against the effects of dilution, BUT -- more importantly -- by COMPLETELY de-risking, this will enable you to be able to finally play on the same level playing field as ... SEAN FITZGIBBONS...holders...both the 0.00 and 0.05 stock. By lowering your cost basis to the same or lower amount as these individuals, you can now have the same options as they do when the stock reaches .15, .20, .25, etc, instead of sitting idly by hoping to breakeven at .25 or .50 while these scoundrels cash out their 3-4-5+ baggers at levels below this, and pushing headwinds into the sp in the process, preventing you from ever even breaking even."
Sean holds no 0.00 or 0.05 stock. He voluntarily donated his 0.00 shares back to the company, yet your baseless attacks against him continue. He has not made any 17(b) violations, and your calls for a detailed defense to your baseless and malicious allegations of criminal wrongdoing on this public message board will continue to be met with simple denials. So you are correct, this particular discussion here will continue to "go nowhere". You will continue your malicious and baseless attacks against Sean, and I will deny them. The only fora that I can foresee where details will be shared will be between Sean and his prospective counsel in a libel per se lawsuit filed against the vicious offenders and the litigation that would ensue if such a lawsuit is filed.
There have been no announcements by the applicable government agencies of an investigation, no charges, no convictions, and no penalties against a single individual against whom you have been making these false allegations over the past eight months. And your attempt to analogize this to the thief who got away in the dark of the night, never to be caught, would be much different if that thief truly committed the crime and his identify and crimes were posted on a public message board for over eight months. He would be investigated, he would be charged, and he would likely cut a plea agreement or be convicted and punished accordingly. This has not been the case here because nobody has violated 17(b). And thank goodness we do not live in a country where an anonymous message board poster can be the investigator, judge, and jury in matters of such critical importance to life, liberty, and justice. It is called "due process of law", which does not exist here. On the contrary, here we have "freedom of speech", which in my opinion, has been too loosely interpreted to allow the continuous publications of statements that are clearly defamation per se.
Incidentally, your "make me a crystal ball" request would have been more appropriate about eight months ago when you started posting these false allegations. But many months have passed, and here we are with the only public allegations of criminal wrongdoing are those that have been made by SCRC against IR. And if discovery in that litigation reveals one of my theories to be true, there will be many other "public figures" identified in the court filings who will be subject to the same daily debates and the same exercises of freedom of speech.
By the way, your citations to the various stock promoters websites for their allegedly compliant stock promoter disclaimers do not satisfy your often-cited rule. And if you are truly taking the side of the MR team in connection with their activities that clearly led to the massive dump last summer, you are not being objective.
As for the 0.05 stock, Sean has not received such stock. Indeed, everything he owns he purchased on the open market and is in the red on his SCRC investment just like many other investors here. He has not "derisked". Apparently, his crystal ball of short term sp movements is not as good as yours. And if he did have access to your purported crystal ball, he probably would have earned enough money by now to buy a small island in the Pacific. Indeed, if I had such a crystal ball, I'd be on Fortune's list of billionaires and would not have time to be posting on a stock message board, nor would I want to do so.
This is my last post on these subjects. I am sure you will respond with your arguments, as you always must have the last word. And I will give you the last word and continue making my futile TOS complaints, but consider this post a continuous denial on behalf of Sean.
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