I just hate seeing the negative stuff man. The PR was not negative, the reaction was. I have said it tons of times "the road to riches is paved with the blood of the weak and the scared". One of the most prosperous investors said to by when you smell fear. I think for the most part is the lack of understanding what it takes to run a business and the roadblocks you have to overcome. One of my father's famous sayings was "if it is worth having son , then it is damn sure worth working for". A lot of sayings in this post, but I am a firm believer in following a person and taking their knowledge, putting your twist on it and developing your own style. My father made good money in the market, and he would to this day beat my ass if he knew I invested one cent in the OTC. I think it is fun, and exciting. We all lose sight of that sometimes. If your in this to get rich quick I believe you will be dispointed. It takes time for these things.