China Reportedly Just Cracked Down on Obama.com
The Obama campaign’s donation site “appears to [have been] built with an uncharacteristic lack of security where foreign donations are concerned,” TheBlaze’s Mytheos Holt reported earlier this month, allowing for the independently owned Obama.com to possibly solicit millions in foreign campaign contributions.
The campaign’s official website does not require visitors wishing to make a donation to provide their CCV number (the 3-4 digit code that appears on the back of most credit cards).
Now considering the fact that these unique codes can be used to indicate the location of the cardholder and the fact that Obama.com, which redirects users to the Obama campaign’s donation site, receives approximately 68 percent of its traffic from web addresses outside the U.S., according to a recent Government Accountability Institute report, it’s easy to see why some suspect the Obama campaign of illegally raising funds from foreign sources.
But now it seems the eyebrow-raising Obama.com has run into some trouble — with the Chinese.
“The Chinese government has blocked access to a Web site used as a conduit for donations to President Obama’s re-election,” according to a new report from The Post.
“The action comes following a report in Sunday’s Post that the Obama.com site had been registered to Robert Roche, an Obama campaign bundler who lives and works in China ,” the report adds.
Oddly enough, the name of the company Roche chairs in Shanghai is Acorn International (no, it’s not what you think. It’s just an infomercial group).
“It’s a shocking revelation that the Chinese government wants to do something that the Obama campaign wouldn’t do. They’re more sensitive to American sovereignty and campaign-finance law than the Obama campaign,” GAI founder and co-chairman Steve Bannon told The Post.
But let’s back up for a second. Is it really that simple for a website owned by a U.S. businessman living in Shanghai to solicit foreign donations?
You’d be surprised.