I have a question (or perhaps a suggestion). With the pending earnings release shortly… will there be a conference call from the company commenting on the report, earnings (if any), and future earnings projections and/or expectations?
I know most publically traded companies hold such calls, however I’m not sure if its legally required or not. If it is not legally required, I think it would still be a good idea for the company to hold such a call, as I think it would reinforce the company’s trustworthiness, stability, and growth potential.
So as not to feed the flames of the LieHub crowd, perhaps a private call would be in order. Perhaps admission to the call would be invitation only, after providing documented proof of ownership. Ownership could be documented by sending screen prints of brokerage account showing purchases of company stock, or any other such means. It could be decided that invitations be extended to only those individuals who demonstrate exceeding a share ownership of say 1 million shares, or any level the company deems appropriate.
Hopefully such a call would allow time for a question and answer period also. Although participants would need to understand that there may be questions that the company may not be able to answer or comment on. I think serious investors deserve such a call, as it would appear there are many serious investors that have supported this company for quite a while, and perhaps at a substantial level of investment also. It would be as they say… the right thing to do.
Thoughts ???