nice photos-looks like more inventory than they have ever had-notice the iron mats used to keep sand and dirt out-another confirmation these piles are final processed. Set against the backdrop of the coastal range the long pile in 1st pic resembles a mountain range itself.
The background across the highway as we know is that iron mine that couldnt figure the ropes and closed before shipping and apparently before real production.
Bob was always getting calls from other juniors on advice-as I've said before some really adventurous entrepreneurs tackle a mining startup to cap their careers to see if they can do it as its reputed to be 1 of the hardest startups to succeed-
so as some have said hedge funds or other naked short sellers allegedly target these pennies and CWRN-and when there is a rare success like CWRN they use all kinds of tools like ce and legal system to manipulate pps-they sure have used every tool I can think of-as somebody who hasnt been in stocks very long its been a real lesson re fraud at EVERY possible step in the market.