The game here is to keep tapping the ask. Whoever this guy is he just wants to hit open orders for share lots inducing a trading fee. The AON orders are BIG bacause they make pushing the stock down a more costly and tricky enterprise. Not so easy when you can't see all the orders, you get ambushed for higher lot sizes in order to move the buying pressure into shareholders and the equation of costing them commisions is flipped. His/her shares are more valueable to him but trading fees make buying this a pain if you only get $20-$50 worth of shares each time.
Now that people caught on to what was being done, teh combination of AON and peppering the ask whilst undercutting the ak and covering the bid is a good strategy. Plus, all this time spent playing these games only makes the chart/techs improve, bring catalysts closer, and create more value for shareholders as Eric & Fred have been hammering away with PR's, Filings, Tweets, FB announcements adn all the rest.
We are blessed my friends, very blessed, a toast will be in order soon, but now still buying and adding. TDGI is a great stock, still unknown and we are lucky to have come across it. Thanks to whover is giving them away-- what more can be said except THANKS.