Posted On: 06/11/2014 4:51:53 PM
Post# of 28
FLST News Wednesday, June 11, 2014 3:52:21 PM $FLST
OTC Signal Daily Stock Watch - Fuelstream (OTCQB: FLST)
WorldStockWire - Fri Sep 06, 1:30AM CDT
OTC Signal tracks stocks daily and is pleased to offer its stock alerts. Investors can receive FREE Stock Alerts and company news and profiles by visiting OTC Signal at the following:
Fuelstream Signs Term Sheet to Provide Up to $5 Million in Fuel Financing for Specific Airline Contract
GlobeNewswire - Mon Aug 26, 8:30AM CDT
Fuelstream Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) announces it has signed a term sheet with Eagle Rock Institutional Partners LLC (ERIP) to finance the fuel purchases of a specific airline contract. The terms for this credit facility call for financing to start in September 2013, providing the capital for regularly scheduled commercial flights. The terms of the credit facility provide for up to Five Million Dollars of financing for aviation jet fuel. ERIP had performed substantial due diligence on Fuelstream beginning in March of this year, which allowed them to react quickly to this current opportunity. ERIP currently is a shareholder and small lender to Fuelstream since April of 2012. ERIP has invested over $100,000,000.00 over the past ten years in multiple US-based projects and hedge funds. Robert Catala, CEO of Fuelstream, said, "We appreciate the opportunity ERIP has provided and plan to build on this relationship. Hopefully this will open other doors of capital and enable Fuelstream to fulfill the existing opportunities we have available to us. I consider this one more small step in building our business." The terms and conditions of this financing are subject to final due diligence. This financing is non-exclusive and Fuelstream is actively working with other lenders for additional financing.
Fuelstream Enters Into Agreement With Skyplan to Provide Flight Planning and Ground Support
GlobeNewswire - Fri Aug 23, 12:15PM CDT
Fuelstream Inc (OTCQB:FLST) announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Skyplan, based in Calgary, Canada, to provide flight planning, weather support and ground support, as well as permit processing and traffic rights requests.
Fuelstream Maintains Commitment to Operations, Discusses Indictment of Subsidiary
GlobeNewswire - Thu Aug 15, 9:15AM CDT
Fuelstream, Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that operations of the Company are continuing in spite of an indictment filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, against Aviation Fuel International, Inc. ("AFI" , the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, as well as one of the Company's employees. The indictment contains allegations against AFI and Sean Wagner, the Company's Vice President of Sales, relating to activities of them prior to AFI's acquisition by Fuelstream in January 2012.
Fuelstream Appointed US Rep for Global Airways
GlobeNewswire - Thu Aug 08, 6:23AM CDT
Fuelstream Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) "Fuelstream" or the "Company" announces that Global Airways, Headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, has appointed Fuelstream as their U. S Representative for their scheduled service to Miami, Florida. Fuelstream will be responsible for the following: evaluating and recommending ground handling companies, caterers, crew transportation and services, coordinating with cargo handlers, serving as the GSA for cargo in Miami, working with the Aviation Department on gate assignments and ticket counters, working with all government authorities ( TSA, Customs, Immigration and local police) to ensure compliance. Ron Finger, Managing Director of Global Airways stated, "We will be relying heavily on the staff of Fuelstream for these services but the most important service is sourcing the jet fuel that we will require, which is approximately 1,800,000 gallons a month. Without the fuel there would be no service." This route will be operated with Airbus A-330 long range aircraft.
FNMA, FMCC, XUII and FLST added to OTC Active Stock Watch List at EPR
ACCESSWIRE - Wed Aug 07, 8:03AM CDT
New York, NY - (ACCESSWIRE) - 08/07/2013 - Equity Profile Report initiates its OTC Active Stock Watch List adding Federal National Mortgage Association (OTC:FNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (OTC:FMCC), Xumanii International Holdings Corp (OTC:XUII) and FuelStream, Inc. (OTC:FLST)
Fuelstream Remits Funds to Redeem Convertible Debenture
GlobeNewswire - Wed Aug 07, 6:00AM CDT
Fuelstream, Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that it has wire transferred $124,600 to Peak One Opportunity Fund, L.P. ("Peak One" to redeem the unpaid balance and required premium of that certain convertible debenture issued on February 1, 2013 to Peak One. The redemption is part of the Company's ongoing efforts to deleverage and improve its balance sheet. Peak One has disputed the Company's attempt to redeem $11,000 of the principal amount of the debenture. The redemption, once effected, will result in Peak One no longer holding any debt securities of the Company.
OTC Daily Alert Stock Watch - Fuelstream (OTCQB: FLST)
WorldStockWire - Wed Aug 07, 1:45AM CDT
OTC Daily Alert tracks stocks daily and is pleased to offer features on public companies. Investors can receive FREE Stock Alerts and company news and profiles by visiting OTC Daily Alert at the following:
Fuelstream Enters Domestic US Market With Expansion Into Caribbean
GlobeNewswire - Thu Aug 01, 10:15AM CDT
Fuelstream Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that it will begin regular jet fuelings in both the US and the Caribbean and aggressively pursue this market. Fuelstream participated in the inaugural weekend of flights between Miami and Port-au-Prince and sees this as an exciting opportunity to expand its offerings. Once flights expand to a daily schedule, the company anticipates quarterly revenues of $1,329,600.00 with annual sales just over $5,300,000.00 on the airlines initial route. The airline has plans to expand its service throughout the region in the near future.
Fuelstream Director Appointed to Committee by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas
GlobeNewswire - Wed Jul 31, 6:00AM CDT
Fuelstream, Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that Paul Major has accepted an engagement by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, to be the Chairman of a new committee. As a result of Mr. Major's acceptance, he has tendered his resignation as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company. Mr. Major commenced his appointment on July 29, 2013.
Fuelstream to Provide Logistic Support for New Aircraft Deliveries
Marketwire - Thu Jul 11, 6:00AM CDT
Fuelstream, Inc. (OTCQB: FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that it has entered into an agreement to provide logistical support and jet fuel for new aircraft deliveries from manufacturers in Canada, the United States and Europe. The agreement will cover aircraft deliveries to Southeast Asia. The initial term of the agreement is for a period of one year. The Company anticipates that at least 18 new aircraft covered under the agreement, including the Boeing 777, the Boeing 737-800, the CRJ and the Airbus A-320. These aircraft are assembled at 5 different factory locations and are part of an ongoing intensive fleet renewal program for the client. Fuelstream intends to provide jet fuel along the various routes for each of the aircraft until it reaches the final destination.
OTC Signal Daily Stock Watch - Fuelstream (OTCQB: FLST)
WorldStockWire - Fri Sep 06, 1:30AM CDT
OTC Signal tracks stocks daily and is pleased to offer its stock alerts. Investors can receive FREE Stock Alerts and company news and profiles by visiting OTC Signal at the following:
Fuelstream Signs Term Sheet to Provide Up to $5 Million in Fuel Financing for Specific Airline Contract
GlobeNewswire - Mon Aug 26, 8:30AM CDT
Fuelstream Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) announces it has signed a term sheet with Eagle Rock Institutional Partners LLC (ERIP) to finance the fuel purchases of a specific airline contract. The terms for this credit facility call for financing to start in September 2013, providing the capital for regularly scheduled commercial flights. The terms of the credit facility provide for up to Five Million Dollars of financing for aviation jet fuel. ERIP had performed substantial due diligence on Fuelstream beginning in March of this year, which allowed them to react quickly to this current opportunity. ERIP currently is a shareholder and small lender to Fuelstream since April of 2012. ERIP has invested over $100,000,000.00 over the past ten years in multiple US-based projects and hedge funds. Robert Catala, CEO of Fuelstream, said, "We appreciate the opportunity ERIP has provided and plan to build on this relationship. Hopefully this will open other doors of capital and enable Fuelstream to fulfill the existing opportunities we have available to us. I consider this one more small step in building our business." The terms and conditions of this financing are subject to final due diligence. This financing is non-exclusive and Fuelstream is actively working with other lenders for additional financing.
Fuelstream Enters Into Agreement With Skyplan to Provide Flight Planning and Ground Support
GlobeNewswire - Fri Aug 23, 12:15PM CDT
Fuelstream Inc (OTCQB:FLST) announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Skyplan, based in Calgary, Canada, to provide flight planning, weather support and ground support, as well as permit processing and traffic rights requests.
Fuelstream Maintains Commitment to Operations, Discusses Indictment of Subsidiary
GlobeNewswire - Thu Aug 15, 9:15AM CDT
Fuelstream, Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that operations of the Company are continuing in spite of an indictment filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, against Aviation Fuel International, Inc. ("AFI" , the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, as well as one of the Company's employees. The indictment contains allegations against AFI and Sean Wagner, the Company's Vice President of Sales, relating to activities of them prior to AFI's acquisition by Fuelstream in January 2012.
Fuelstream Appointed US Rep for Global Airways
GlobeNewswire - Thu Aug 08, 6:23AM CDT
Fuelstream Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) "Fuelstream" or the "Company" announces that Global Airways, Headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, has appointed Fuelstream as their U. S Representative for their scheduled service to Miami, Florida. Fuelstream will be responsible for the following: evaluating and recommending ground handling companies, caterers, crew transportation and services, coordinating with cargo handlers, serving as the GSA for cargo in Miami, working with the Aviation Department on gate assignments and ticket counters, working with all government authorities ( TSA, Customs, Immigration and local police) to ensure compliance. Ron Finger, Managing Director of Global Airways stated, "We will be relying heavily on the staff of Fuelstream for these services but the most important service is sourcing the jet fuel that we will require, which is approximately 1,800,000 gallons a month. Without the fuel there would be no service." This route will be operated with Airbus A-330 long range aircraft.
FNMA, FMCC, XUII and FLST added to OTC Active Stock Watch List at EPR
ACCESSWIRE - Wed Aug 07, 8:03AM CDT
New York, NY - (ACCESSWIRE) - 08/07/2013 - Equity Profile Report initiates its OTC Active Stock Watch List adding Federal National Mortgage Association (OTC:FNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (OTC:FMCC), Xumanii International Holdings Corp (OTC:XUII) and FuelStream, Inc. (OTC:FLST)
Fuelstream Remits Funds to Redeem Convertible Debenture
GlobeNewswire - Wed Aug 07, 6:00AM CDT
Fuelstream, Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that it has wire transferred $124,600 to Peak One Opportunity Fund, L.P. ("Peak One" to redeem the unpaid balance and required premium of that certain convertible debenture issued on February 1, 2013 to Peak One. The redemption is part of the Company's ongoing efforts to deleverage and improve its balance sheet. Peak One has disputed the Company's attempt to redeem $11,000 of the principal amount of the debenture. The redemption, once effected, will result in Peak One no longer holding any debt securities of the Company.
OTC Daily Alert Stock Watch - Fuelstream (OTCQB: FLST)
WorldStockWire - Wed Aug 07, 1:45AM CDT
OTC Daily Alert tracks stocks daily and is pleased to offer features on public companies. Investors can receive FREE Stock Alerts and company news and profiles by visiting OTC Daily Alert at the following:
Fuelstream Enters Domestic US Market With Expansion Into Caribbean
GlobeNewswire - Thu Aug 01, 10:15AM CDT
Fuelstream Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that it will begin regular jet fuelings in both the US and the Caribbean and aggressively pursue this market. Fuelstream participated in the inaugural weekend of flights between Miami and Port-au-Prince and sees this as an exciting opportunity to expand its offerings. Once flights expand to a daily schedule, the company anticipates quarterly revenues of $1,329,600.00 with annual sales just over $5,300,000.00 on the airlines initial route. The airline has plans to expand its service throughout the region in the near future.
Fuelstream Director Appointed to Committee by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas
GlobeNewswire - Wed Jul 31, 6:00AM CDT
Fuelstream, Inc. (OTCQB:FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that Paul Major has accepted an engagement by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, to be the Chairman of a new committee. As a result of Mr. Major's acceptance, he has tendered his resignation as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company. Mr. Major commenced his appointment on July 29, 2013.
Fuelstream to Provide Logistic Support for New Aircraft Deliveries
Marketwire - Thu Jul 11, 6:00AM CDT
Fuelstream, Inc. (OTCQB: FLST) ("Fuelstream" or the "Company" announced today that it has entered into an agreement to provide logistical support and jet fuel for new aircraft deliveries from manufacturers in Canada, the United States and Europe. The agreement will cover aircraft deliveries to Southeast Asia. The initial term of the agreement is for a period of one year. The Company anticipates that at least 18 new aircraft covered under the agreement, including the Boeing 777, the Boeing 737-800, the CRJ and the Airbus A-320. These aircraft are assembled at 5 different factory locations and are part of an ongoing intensive fleet renewal program for the client. Fuelstream intends to provide jet fuel along the various routes for each of the aircraft until it reaches the final destination.
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