Illest, yes, very low volume today. What I think is becoming very amusing is how the Money Mike and other self-proclaimed penny stock gurus are shouting daily how their following is world-wide and they have millions that they are allegedly going to move into RFMK and how it's going to sky rocket the price, etc, etc, yet nothing ever happens. LOL
Just yesterday I must have seen mutliple posts all day long on various boards and Twitter how they were going to all come and pounce on RFMK pushing it up to multi-pennies. Well, what are they waiting for? An invitation? LOL. Granted, perhaps they are all waiting for news, 10K, etc but still I find it rather hilarious. It is just another reason why investors in start up companies must do their own DD, listen to their own instincts and let their own strategy guide them, do not be a follower, be a leader. Following a trading group and blindly assuming you will make money flipping day in day out based on the hopes that being a follower will be profitable is silly and naive. I think the fundamentals for RFMK speak for themselves and such spin by non-existant groups (whatever their intent is to spin sentiment into a tizzy) is not needed for the future success of the company. Management will build shareholder value over time and those who invest based on their own timelines and conviction stand to have a better chance to wind up with a valuable investment than others day trading on the speculative notion that groups of buyers are going to flood into a stock making them rich instantly. NEWs FLASH!!! It doesn't work that way. Investors need to settle into the hard cold facts that investing is tough, it does not always work out, and surprisingly to most there are in fact pros and cons to every investment, its not all rainbows and sunshine but its also not all dark clouds and rain.
Do or do not, there is no try.