The site is closed from 8:00 to 11:00. I will check it out today when it opens again. I don't know what the time line is for the numbers. I saw August numbers this month so it must be a month behind. Yes September numbers have to be really good for the quarter to be decent. July and August averaged 7.5 bopd. Not the end of the world either way. Things are in motion. I'll take another month of accumulation. We have time to sky rocket in January. .08 EOY and then steady from there. 175% increase from where we are now is a lot easier achieved then 20000% gain. Would be nice but there are too many shares outstanding and not enough revenue at this time, not to mention the massive sell off it would cause bringing us back down here. What is important today at this very moment is that the Madeley is about to come on line and guarantee us at least 150 bopd. More than likely around 250 bopd. What that will do is bring us in the ball park of 15 grand a day. Last quarter wasn't 15 grand. That will allow us to start paying off a lot of debt and attack other projects more efficiently. Yes there are other projects going on but this is the one we are seeing video's on so this is the one we know for sure. Lake Shore produced 42 or 47 barrels in August. Not per day, for the month. Nothing has been done to it since August to make it produce more. Belize is what it is, a mystery. What we know right now is the Madeley alone has the power to make this a great investment and thats all we need to know right now. We said if just one of these projects came on line then the others would fall in line. This is it and it is something to be happy for. You can't bash that no matter how hard you try.
There is no fake oil equipment. Treaty staging that is obvious bashing and honestly you should hit ignore on whomever says that because they don't know anything. Bare minimum Treaty is looking at paying around $15,000 oer day in equipment, personel, and subcontractors. Its not a show its doing the job. With safety meetings, JSA's and everything else there is nobody around the well in the morning. Besides they would not let a camera go around when they are running and gunning because its not safe. You have to be aware of all of your surroundings. You can't have one eye closed while the other looks through a lense.
All that said we are in great shape. PS in no means am I saying that Lakeshore won't produce more or that Belize has no oil. I am simply saying that w/o these variables we are golden, so anything else that comes to light makes us better.