Shoplifting is a big business for criminals in the U.S and a huge problem for a majority of the retail settings that literally watch their profits walk right out the door on a daily basis. KMAG Kma Glob al Solutions is a leader in the source tagging business and are positioned on the front lines of this everyday battle that is taking place. KMAG understands that in the security and packaging management business the battlefield is changing every day. To combat these rapid changes in the industry Kma Global Solutions is staying one step ahead of the pack and already designing the next step in RFID evolution which is the Dual Tag RFID.
The Ceo of KMAG Jeffrey Reid comes with an in depth background in the manufacturing segment and has been the active Ceo of KMAG since 1996. He came to the table fully equiped to run a successful business boasting 20 years of in depth experience in international manufacturing in China and North America. In addition to these skills Mr Reid previously owned a company by the name of Lux Trading Company within a similar segment. Mr Reid is of KMAG is well educated and currently holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Windsor Ontario.
The actually term source tagging is derived from the fact that rather than clip a theft prevention device to the outside of the product it is actually hand planted inside of the tag or fabric of the product making it far more difficult to steal the product. Source tagging is far more labor intensive and requires a hands on team make the anti theft modifications but when put into perspective against the potential loses the numbers become miniscule. Guess where those prices typically roll down hill to anyways? You got it.. The end consumer. That $70.00 pair of jeans just got bumped to $75.oo. This is a problem on a large scale and the fact that source tagging is the preferred method these days puts the ultimate issue at hand into perspective.
KMAG is recognized as an industry leading establishment who has strategically positoined themselves into a few key area's for strategy and future growth.
- Economical production capacity
- Guaranteed never late delivery
- Patented and patent pending status products
By having more of a diversified portfolio of revenue resources KMAG Kma Global Solutions has established a system so if one revenue source were to lose steam they could just tighten up the slack in one of the additional areas. The strategy that KMAG is using in this form of diversification is the same type of strategy that is implemented by fortune 500 companies worldwide.
One of the main factors in KMAG KMA Global Solutions continued success within their sector is the fact that they are able to uphold a stable and high level of customer satisfaction. In today's day and age more times than not a hand shake has been replaced by a computer generated robot, a customer service hotline has been replaced by a help blog. The sense of belonging has run vacant not just on one industry or another but on a global scale more or less.