They only come out of the woodwork like that when the Market Maker and/or Hedge Fund who is stuck short decides to pay for all the scumbags to come out from under a rock and post lie and libel against the company and its CEO. Thank god our CEO is collecting the libelous posts from a number of us. So he can continue building a strong case that will soon serve any and all parties involved in this Short & Distort campaign.
Hopefully Matt takes advantage of the income he has received from RIGH and decides to buyback some of the float to make it even worse for the POS(s) that are stuck short. The paid minions are most definitely going to be served their papers for the libel they have committed. Looking forward to the coming days and weeks in BCAP because I believe we will soon see just how Savvy and Smart Matt Dwyer is with this situation. My feeling is he is getting ready to drop the hammer and when he does... BOOM...There will be some seriously upset and financially ruined folks...MMs, bashers, hedge funds, whoever they are, they are fucking with the wrong CEO. That much I am 100% sure of.
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