Hey Low,
Thanks for providing this board.
I watched the Debate last night. I think Romney won. On FACTS. Obama talked about his Foreign Policy positions, while Romney looked at him with that "You're not fooling me, or anyone else" expression on his face.
Roy Masters (a brilliant observer of human nature, imo) said it best. "Observe evil, do not respond. Simply observe, it knows that you are watching". This is what Romney's expression appeared to be.
Masters also stated that government causes most of our problems, and then props themselves up to be the solution. Couldn't be more true in Obama's case.
Then we have Obama's remark about "hoses and bayonet's", "these things called Aircraft Carriers," etc, was ridiculous, condescending and amateurish at best. Obama's arrogance will hopefully get smacked down on election day.
No one believes that Obama is tough on terrorists. The right knows it isn't true, the left knows it too because that's why they voted for him.
I hope we have learned that elections aren't about "making history", they are about electing the people most qualified to lead America on our behalf.
We really need to get it right this time.