I guess i'm confused. Who is under the impression and Aunt Eller is a force of overall good or a foreshadowing of good things to come? Why would her presence just have began. Where was she the whole time? What is her function? I just don't understand what it is in her commentary that makes it a gospel? While i enjoy the positive speculation that the light is at the end of the tunnel, she would appear, to me, to have the credibility of any other person that just showed up.
Specifically, what sort of things has JR actually said in email or anythig? I don't like to be a bother but i've strongly considered sending him an email just to know. While you folks are seemingly the closest thing in the stock world that someone can trust, ive heard you always must live on the statement "trust noone" especially in this line of work. I'm not saying anyone is lying but i've seen enough emails about impending information thats consistently failed to come to fruition where i need to ask myself almost just to get an answer i could verify. If someone else received an email, i would love to see it. I know i sound like a complainer but i'm just a curious fellow.
TIA and sorry if i've annoyed anyone. Haven't sold a share and still looking for the long haul. It just seems that road trips are more fun with the radio on, ya know?