Posted On: 06/03/2014 11:22:58 AM
Post# of 144900

> On March 30, 2013, Sibling Group Holdings, Inc., (the “Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”), through its wholly owned subsidiary, BLSCH
Acquisition, LLC signed a Closing Terms Addendum (the “Closing Addendum”) to the previously disclosed Asset Purchase Agreement
between the BLSCH Acquisition, LLC and BLENDEDSCHOOLS.NET, an unrelated third party (“Blended Schools”) dated November 25,
2013. Under the terms of the Closing Addendum, we closed on the purchase of assets of Blended Schools effective as of May 30, 2014.
> During Q1 2013 we began an effort to develop a professional development course set aimed at the Pre-K market for teachers. In order to meet
qualifications in Georgia, as well as other states, teachers must be accredited and a key part of that is the completion of a “CDA” course set. This
effort should produce revenues in 2014, and we believe many other states will embrace this CDA standard for teacher licensing, providing a
large market opportunity
> During Q2 2013 we acquired the assets and operations of Classchatter and Classchatter Plus, a provider of software to the public school market
that allows for communications between the teacher and the students using blogging like functionality. Classchatter is a free product, and we are
revamping Classchatter Plus, as a paid for application. The functionality of this application is key for successful implementation of blended
learning in the school, an area which we believe will see much growth in coming years.
> During Q3 2013 we acquired the assets and operations of PLC Consultants, a provider of professional development courses for teachers in the
area of special education, often referred to as SpEd. The courses are currently being re-written for a more easily deployed environment, and we
think there is significant long term potential in this area, as 12% of students in the US public school system are currently deemed to be “special
education” students.
> During Q4 2013 we began a development effort aimed at a series of courses for “social and emotion learning”, or SEL. Many states have
separate line item budgets for SEL learning, and it has been recognized as key to removing obstacles for learning in many student groups. We
have a process in place to author these courses, and are continuing to review the possible acquisition of existing courses as well. We expect to
have revenue from this area in 2014
> Our goal is to complete one or more acquisitions of schools and education management organizations, and to complete our technology
development initiatives.
> On March 30, 2013, Sibling Group Holdings, Inc., (the “Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”), through its wholly owned subsidiary, BLSCH
Acquisition, LLC signed a Closing Terms Addendum (the “Closing Addendum”) to the previously disclosed Asset Purchase Agreement
between the BLSCH Acquisition, LLC and BLENDEDSCHOOLS.NET, an unrelated third party (“Blended Schools”) dated November 25,
2013. Under the terms of the Closing Addendum, we closed on the purchase of assets of Blended Schools effective as of May 30, 2014.
> During Q1 2013 we began an effort to develop a professional development course set aimed at the Pre-K market for teachers. In order to meet
qualifications in Georgia, as well as other states, teachers must be accredited and a key part of that is the completion of a “CDA” course set. This
effort should produce revenues in 2014, and we believe many other states will embrace this CDA standard for teacher licensing, providing a
large market opportunity
> During Q2 2013 we acquired the assets and operations of Classchatter and Classchatter Plus, a provider of software to the public school market
that allows for communications between the teacher and the students using blogging like functionality. Classchatter is a free product, and we are
revamping Classchatter Plus, as a paid for application. The functionality of this application is key for successful implementation of blended
learning in the school, an area which we believe will see much growth in coming years.
> During Q3 2013 we acquired the assets and operations of PLC Consultants, a provider of professional development courses for teachers in the
area of special education, often referred to as SpEd. The courses are currently being re-written for a more easily deployed environment, and we
think there is significant long term potential in this area, as 12% of students in the US public school system are currently deemed to be “special
education” students.
> During Q4 2013 we began a development effort aimed at a series of courses for “social and emotion learning”, or SEL. Many states have
separate line item budgets for SEL learning, and it has been recognized as key to removing obstacles for learning in many student groups. We
have a process in place to author these courses, and are continuing to review the possible acquisition of existing courses as well. We expect to
have revenue from this area in 2014
> Our goal is to complete one or more acquisitions of schools and education management organizations, and to complete our technology
development initiatives.

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