How long will it take to start a broker/dealer?
It takes approximately 4 - 6 months from the date of the first submission to FINRA office.
Did Matt apply for the Brokerage with Finra? I know he has the TA done. Ae we buying a brokerage already FINRA approved?
FINRA requires each broker/dealer to have a minimum of 2 qualified principals, as well as a Financial and Operations Principal.
Is this started? People in mind for?
The business will require the services of a clearing firm.
I know we WILL have a clearing firm, but without the clearing firm in tandem with the brokerage, we will have to use the services of another clearing firm? So what is the company strategy on the clearing firm / brokerage tie in?
"A licensed broker with a series seven certification". My daughter just went through this, she opened her own brokerage in Naples Florida. PAIINFUL.
Does Matt have a series seven certification or any of the ones he is bringing in? ($$$$?)
Just a few questions I came up with and am wondering about.
There is alot more to this than just buying the brokerage, and I am wondering about the "Plan" Matt has for this.