Wonderful post. And, we are starting to look like other boards with a crap load of friction daily. Folks tend to listen to lots of posting negativity and question positive attitudes. Investors are now being taunted as pumpers and the LONGS are not so "good-ole-boys" any more.
We have discussed our frustrations many times over the past two weeks: but, it all comes down to Tom's ability to get the job done. The influences he has run into are most likely legitimate thus the timelines are not under his direct control.
If Tom has a self imposed timeline for specific accomplishments, so be it. But, everyone else is creating fictitious timelines for their own agenda.
Their are also those who have been sending idle threats to Tom. I'm not sure who these clowns think they are; but, Tom has demonstrated in the past that he does not respond very well to these threats. If anything, these folks will deter the mission at hand.
I still think that this is the week for Tom's vindication. The 10k is the key & everything else follows suit.
Good luck, my friend and keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!