I fully expected Professional Differences of Opinion here. I welcome, enjoy and learn from Respecfully Presented Diverse Perceptions. We all know "Longs", Flippers, Traders exist. BUT, it doesn't matter which one we are here, if it is always done "Respecting the Fact We are all Trying to Pay Bills and Raise Our Kids". The trading methods of any of us should NOT affect this stock, IF Matt is on the straight and narrow, is being honest and respects us as shareholders.
Can we keep this board on that level? Because the "other site" has it's major issues, but there are all kinds of DIFFERENT issues that can surface here, and affect what we were all hoping to gain coming here.
We ALL need this board to help eachother stay current, understand what is going on by presenting our thoughts (which may appear bashing or negative), but if we give each other "the benefit of the doubt" and "not assume or read into reasons for a post" and not "get on each other about trading styles" we may just figure this out.
I have believed in the business plan, I have had doubts about the intentions of Matt, I have been confused by assumptions and been solidifed reviewing DD. All this in one day!
Let's stay focused on the Company. Other wise we are of no use to each other. My two cents.