Maybe you're right Kubi, but if we were producing 50 ounces of gold per week with a baby batch plant and a wheel loader, we could just take it to a buyer in Ensenada and get paid, rather than waiting for months on end for a dang iron ore ship to show up, or iron prices to peak, or shipping permits to show up, or Bob to get out of camp sec, or whatever whatever else Murphy's friggen Law can screw us over with...... lol
Better yet just rathole the gold until the price hits ten grand an ounce. With China planning on importing 6 tons of gold next year and India still in love with the stuff, the price has to go through the roof imo.. World production of gold is just over 3 tons per year. That tells me gold may be really cheap at this point. There are even rumors of the US going back to gold backed currency so china doesn't pull the currency rug out from underneath us..
Good thing I'm not the boss I guess.. I would probably be planting and selling those endangered species cacti, and a few other herbs to make an extra buck, and get the share price to same!! LOL!