NXOI News .0244
Next 1 Launches Connext1 Media Program for Colombia Tourism Board
2012-10-22 08:30 ET - News Release
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Oct. 22, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Next One Interactive, Inc. (OTCBB: NXOI), in conjunction with the Colombia Tourism Board, is pleased to announce the launch of the Connext1 Media program featuring the "Essential Colombia Vacation" package. The program is being operated through the company's wholly-owned travel subsidiaries, Maupintour and NextTrip. The "CONNEXT1" program runs in conjunction with M80, (a division of WPP plc., which places approximately 25% of all advertising in the U.S.) and will use advanced techniques to reach targeted users and focus advertising delivery to highlight the uniqueness of the "Essential Colombia Vacation". The Connext1 program directs consumers to a microsite that features an overview of Colombia where videos and pictures about Colombia feature unique experiences in the different regions like the exclusive coffee mansion, golden beaches, captivating architecture and the mystery of the rainforest. With a dedicated "Package" tab, the microsite also allows consumers see an overview of the newest tour available, complete with day by day descriptions, pictures and pricing ranges to aid in travel decisions. When consumers call the dedicated reservation line at 888-777-3333, Maupintour agents will not only offer the pre-packaged tour, but also custom design the Colombia tour to fit travelers' needs and desired dates of travel. As part of the Connext1 advertising and outreach program, consumers will be invited to enter a contest to win a free "8 day & 7 night vacation" which features some of the most exciting tourist sites within the country, including travels and private tours in romantic Cartagena, artistic Bogota and the taste of San Alberto, complete with bilingual guide and tasting tour, courtesy of the Colombia Tourism Board.