When I started out trading penny stocks I use to get so excited when one of my stocks had news. I've come to find that news means little when the bashers and shorting attacks have been successful. Most of the time they are successful due to the companies fault. IMO some longs didn't have a clue what NSS or manipulation was until educated on Treaty by other longs. The company is at fault because their so-called forwarded looking "news" has most of the time been exaggerated or just didn't come about. Yet people just seem to think that the same kind of "news" is the answer. Treaty has lost much credibility with the retail lurkers and whales. These sideline future investors might chase the PPS when the time comes but until Treaty puts their money where their mouth's have been; we won't see the volume we need to break free of the constant attack. The good news is I think we are relatively close vs the 2.5+ years many of us have been shareholders.
What will news do? What has news done over the course of months or years! How long has Treaty trended in the 3's off and on over the years and on one PR after another. Actions speak louder than words and Treaty has had a lot of words vs their proven actions. I think the 3rd 10Q will prove that the "actions" have finally come about albeit slower than anticipated. The 10K will show greater improvement and start to prove some of these past PR's as credible vs what the bashers would rather us believe. Improved financials will be the only piece of news that moves the PPS significantly IMO. Significant news might move the PPS a penny or so but not break the choke hold the hedgefunds have on TECO.
What happened to Mike M's prediciton of Belize news three Fridays ago or the news that is constantly being predicted by a certain individual over the last week or two? I'm not pointing a finger at all since "HOPE" is a good thing but it is trading inexperience that implies news alone will move the PPS.