Posted On: 05/17/2014 3:08:23 PM
Post# of 43065

Re: SaulGoodman #8131
only deceit I trying to label it as hypocrisy!
In 2009, It was impossible to KNOW that JBI would lose a YEAR to the bogus SEC crappola generated by PROFESSIONAL THIEVES employing FUDsters and lining the pockets of those who make bogus charges to DEC, SEC, and generate frivolous lawsuits...
or the time lost because of the (behind the scenes) efforts of certain whales and former RKT tools to slam the company down and steal P2O.
Anyone who implies that time has not been lost...
because of unanticipated obstacles DELIBERATELY PLACED by those wanting JB/JBI/P2O to fail...
has not the TRUTH IN HIM!
There are things JB could have done better, done differently, or not done at all while moving forward with R&D on the P2O learning curve.
However, ALL THAT LOST TIME is a minor percentage of the wasted time COMPARED TO time lost because of deliberate CONFLICTS OF INTEREST at work against JBI.
Were it not for two former BoD members, Rick Heddle, and JB probably the whole of JBI would now be lost to us early shareholders... the company came VERY CLOSE to being stolen by nefarious criminals and greedy bastards!
THERE ARE SOME POSTING ON SMBs that are recognized by ALL early JBII Longs and "the informed" newer investors as COMPLETE TOOLS abetting the efforts out to distract & destroy JBI... THOSE FUDsters know who they are...
SO DO most all of US SHAREHOLDERS who have extended our expectation timeline for CREDIBLE reasons... no hypocrisy involved. AND saying "hypocrisy is involved" (even hundreds of times) does NOT MAKE IT SO... anymore than anything posted HUNDREDS OF TIMES OVER MANY YEARS by "friends" of the Welland Three, operatives of Agilyx or Covanta, or the "entities" working the OTC manipulation game!
only deceit I trying to label it as hypocrisy!
In 2009, It was impossible to KNOW that JBI would lose a YEAR to the bogus SEC crappola generated by PROFESSIONAL THIEVES employing FUDsters and lining the pockets of those who make bogus charges to DEC, SEC, and generate frivolous lawsuits...
or the time lost because of the (behind the scenes) efforts of certain whales and former RKT tools to slam the company down and steal P2O.
Anyone who implies that time has not been lost...
because of unanticipated obstacles DELIBERATELY PLACED by those wanting JB/JBI/P2O to fail...
has not the TRUTH IN HIM!
There are things JB could have done better, done differently, or not done at all while moving forward with R&D on the P2O learning curve.
However, ALL THAT LOST TIME is a minor percentage of the wasted time COMPARED TO time lost because of deliberate CONFLICTS OF INTEREST at work against JBI.
Were it not for two former BoD members, Rick Heddle, and JB probably the whole of JBI would now be lost to us early shareholders... the company came VERY CLOSE to being stolen by nefarious criminals and greedy bastards!
THERE ARE SOME POSTING ON SMBs that are recognized by ALL early JBII Longs and "the informed" newer investors as COMPLETE TOOLS abetting the efforts out to distract & destroy JBI... THOSE FUDsters know who they are...
SO DO most all of US SHAREHOLDERS who have extended our expectation timeline for CREDIBLE reasons... no hypocrisy involved. AND saying "hypocrisy is involved" (even hundreds of times) does NOT MAKE IT SO... anymore than anything posted HUNDREDS OF TIMES OVER MANY YEARS by "friends" of the Welland Three, operatives of Agilyx or Covanta, or the "entities" working the OTC manipulation game!

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