I agree, I think this is a classic example of a Jaeger scaring the Seagull into dropping its fish catch of the day. I agree that those who are concerned and worried maybe should think of just selling, hate to say it but it's true. This is the market, this is the game, this is how it is played. I typically always wish more investors would see the opportunities in a stock like RFMK but at this point, this late in the game, longs who are buying into the bashers usual arguments and scary talk about dilution and scams, maybe need to re-think the game they are involved in. Perhaps it would be easier on them emotionally to just sell and move on. The RFMK story has never before been so close to so many critical and fundamental game changing postive developments. This is expected, of course there would be resistance at times when expectations are high. Actually, if you look at the trading tape for the day, much of the volume was traded above the .003 level. Yes there were decent size blocks traded under .003 as well but mostly toward the last hour and a half of the session which is normal on a Friday when there is a lack of buyers; we go through this same exact thing nearly every Friday. By the way, just because the PPS ticks down and there are trades firing off, does not mean it is all selling. The stock TRADES, each transaction is a TRADE, so there is a seller and there is a buyer, thats the way it works. Someone or some market participants were actually buying all of those shares one or two ticks under the 200 DMA, who knows, perhaps even some of that buying was covering. Hmmm, now why would participants want to trigger stop loss orders and cover? Perhaps in preparation of a big run?! Hmmm. And please, spare me the margin requirement rant about shorting PK stocks, we all know retail is not shorting the stock, yet we know each day the short ratio is roughly 40%, so it has been heavily shorted and I suspect those players maybe even dip into the discussion from time to time getting on the 'ol iScam and spewing some innuendos in an effort to sway sentiment. We all know by now how the game is played. If you cant spot the sucker at the table eventually, perhaps you are the sucker.
At this point, either you think the CEO has scammed everyone and the 10K is never coming out and we were all duped by yet another pinky stock selling scheme, OR, you know that the company has made gigantic accomplishments up to this point, the stock is out of the triple zero gutter and only one tick away from the exact 200 DMA and transparency and great developments are on their way because of the stellar work this management team has done to build shareholder value for us all. It's either / or at this point, IMO. Time to take sides. The dark side of the force, or unlearn what you have learned and decide to use the force for good and become one with the Jedi.