Jan Poller: Why did Candy Crowley have the transcript of a President Obama speech?
How did Obama know that she had it?
Collusion! Collusion is the only explanation even though Ms. Crowley said she had the transcript in anticipation of the question. That doesn’t tell us how Obama knew she had it and as the video shows, he told her to look at the transcript before she said she even had it. Did Ms. Crowley have other transcripts? If so, did Obama know about them?
How many times have we heard President Obama use term “play by the same rules”? He says it almost every time he makes a campaign speech. It is obvious that in the Town Hall debate, there was one set of rules for Gov. Romney, and another set for President Obama and Ms. Crowley.
When President Obama told Ms. Crowley to look at the transcripts (which showed that he knew that Ms. Crowley had the transcript), Gov. Romney was visibly startled. As soon as Gov. Romney approached Ms. Crowley to address the subject she tried to say that Romney was also correct, but the damage was done. She then stopped the debate and said it was time for the closing statements. Ms. Crowley admitted after the debate that she was wrong.
Most undecided people weren’t fooled and so the vote is shifting even more in Romney’s favor.
Candy Crowley did not do President Obama any favor with this bias, subterfuge and cheating. She didn’t help her own career and she didn’t help her employer, CNN. What would make a journalist throw away her career in this manner? What beliefs made her cheat for Obama?We have the foreign policy debate on Monday night. There is a lot of opportunity for Gov. Romney to draw distinctions with the Obama Administration. The first thing that Gov. Romney should do is continue the last question from the last debate.
Gov. Romney needs to open with a statement that President Obama keeps talking about everyone playing by the same rules. Can President Obama explain why Candy Crowley had a transcript of the Rose Garden statement and that President Obama knew she had it but that Gov. Romney didn’t know it? Isn’t that playing by a different set of rules?
The Obama Administration is keeping as quiet as possible moves to give the United Nations more power and to reduce our power through the use of treaties. Amongst the items under consideration are:
1. Giving control of the Internet to the UN including assigning Internet (IP) addresses and taxing Internet usage.
2. Giving the UN power to tax financial transactions.
3. Abrogating the free speech provisions of the First Amendment by making it illegal to criticize any religion – particularly Islam. This is being pushed by the OIC Islamic Council and the Secretary of State of the United States.
4. The proposed Law of the See treaty which gives the UN the right to tax mineral usage from our off shore resources.
I would hope that Gov. Romney would ask for a Republican Senate so that any treaty approved during a lame duck session could be abrogated by the new senate. He could go so far as to say he will not agree to making the UN a government superior to the United States government or any other government in the world and if necessary we would leave the UN if that is the only option.
To say what has to be said, Gov. Romney may have to ignore what the moderator (Bob Schaeffer) says.
I think this will be the most important debate of all.
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Jan Mel Poller
Video of President Obama asking Crowley to look at the transcript