here is a little bit of education for those that are questioning it. (my apologies to the rest who have heard this 1000 times.)
From http://agoracom.com/ir/GlobalTechnologiesGroup/forums/discussion/topics/546715-can-gtgp-make-it-back-to-the-market/?message_id=1722717
To get out of the Greys, GTGP must file a a single audited 10k (annual financials) to include info going back to their last filing (2005), which the SEC then reviews/comments. If there are any quarterlies they want during review, then those Q's must be filed. Details of any additional securities issued during the time period must be disclosed.
One of the biggest obstacles is finding an MM to sign off on the financials and be willing to sponsor them back into the Pinkies by filing a Form 15-2C11. But, the MM will want the company to be worth something - in reality, not potentially - and will do a thorough valuation of the company. This takes time, typically months.
we have been told in the PR on September 18, 2012 that they are going to audit 2 year of finances and register with the SEC. It takes time.