Obama Arranged Benghazi Trip That Resulted In Murder Of US AMB Chris Stevens
October 17, 2012
By Lawrence Sinclair
September 11, 2012 U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were murdered on the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11. From the very beginning the Obama White House with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by Obama’s side took to the media claiming that the torture, rape and murder of the first United States Ambassador since 1979 was the result of some obscure YouTube video (that from its uploading on July 2, 2012 to September 10, 2012 had all of 17 views) mocking the prophet Muhammad.
Thirty-five days later we are still allowing the media and the Obama Administration to hide the truth and continue in their deliberately reporting information they KNOW to be untrue while refusing to address these facts which come from US State Department and Obama White House sources.
Deroy Murdock: Benghazi’s inconvenient truths
Sept. 11: Despite anti-video demonstrations in Cairo, Benghazi is tranquil. According to U.S. diplomats, “everything is calm. There’s nothing unusual. There has been nothing unusual during the day at all outside. No protests all day.”
At 9:40 p.m. local time, however, gunfire and explosions rock the consulate.
Sept. 12: As these homicides become clear, Obama says, “We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, but there is absolutely no justification for this type of senseless violence. None.” Obama then skips his daily intelligence briefing and jets to a Las Vegas fundraiser.
Sept. 13: “The United States government had absolutely nothing to do with this video,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declares. “We absolutely reject its content and message.”
Sept. 14: “The unrest we’ve seen around the region has been in reaction to a video that Muslims, many Muslims find offensive,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announces.
That day, as the murdered Americans’ remains reach Andrews Air Force Base, Clinton says: “We have seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with.”
Sept. 16: United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice calls the violence “a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video.”
Sept. 18: Obama tells comedian David Letterman that he rejects the “extremely offensive video directed at Mohammed and Islam.” Obama adds that “extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the consulate in Libya.”
Sept. 19: Team Obama abruptly changes tunes. National Counterterrorism Director Matthew Olsen informs the Senate Homeland Security Committee, “I would say yes, they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy.”
AMB Chris Stevens was NOT surprised by his killers in Benghazi, Libya as has been portrayed thus far. According to sources in the State Department Chris Stevens was in Benghazi, Libya at the specific instruction of the Obama White House to recover weapons that the U.S. supplied to Libya rebels in the over throw of Gaddafi. These sources who work in the State Department and the Obama White House say that Barack Obama was directly involved in negotiations with Libyan Rebels in an effort to recover weapons that the U.S. supplied them. Sources say that the arrangements were made between Barack Obama direct talks and that the White House directly arranged for AMB Stevens to travel to Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 and it was by direction of Barack Obama that Stevens was to meet with the very individuals who tortured, raped and murdered him.
These same sources state that the YouTube video which was put out by the White House and was reported by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as being responsible for the Benghazi attack; had been taken by the Obama administration even before the September 11, 2012 murders for the specific intent to blame it in the event the Obama arranged weapons recovery went awry.
We can continue to play the word games all we want over who denied the request for additional security; or when did Obama or Clinton know that the Benghazi Consulate was “attacked,” but to do so is not going to bring about the truth. The truth is clear:
1. Barack Obama personally and directly arranged for AMB Chris Stevens to travel to Benghazi, Libya for the express purpose of meeting with individuals who Barack Obama directly negotiated with in an effort to recover US Supplied weapons.
2. AMB Chris Stevens was not ambushed because of a leak in the Libyan security as is being claimed. Chris Stevens where-a-bouts in Benghazi were determined and relayed by the Obama White House in their arranging this meeting in the first place.
3. Hillary Clinton knows that AMB Stevens was sent to Benghazi on the express direction of Barack Obama and she knew the anti-Islam YouTube video had already been picked to be used as a diversion if the weapons recovery failed.
4. With our deepest sympathy and respect to the families of Chris Stevens; Sean Smith; and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods we ask if they are entitled to the truth and if AMB Stevens father might have a different position if Hillary Clinton were to tell him the truth about how & why his son was sent to meet with the very individuals who killed him?
Memorial Service For Slain U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens in San Francisco
His family doesn’t want the ambassador’s memory to become political football
5. The fact that AMB Stevens was sent to meet with the very people he had warned the Obama administration had him on a hit list is inexcusable and the truth must be told.
The continued back and forth as to when one side called it a terrorists attack or blamed some YouTube video (which now thanks to Obama has millions of views) is not going to address the truth of what really happened. Yes it was Islamic terrorists who killed these four Americans, but it was President Barack Obama who arranged to have these four Americans delivered to their very killers. That’s the horrific truth that no one seems to want to acknowledge!
Editors Note: Sinclair News has agreed to withhold the names of sources within the US State Dept and the Obama White House who provided us information concerning the Benghazi murders and the Obama arranged weapons recovery meeting which sent these four Americans to be executed.
October Surprise! There are some parallels to Fast and Furious here.