Howzitgoing, I believe you hit the nail on the head. TDA is covering for Knight and it is doing it at the expense of TDA customers and ICPA shareholders. I spent the day on the phone with DTCC and also numerous agents with Td Ameritrade. A gentleman named Chris Blue at Td Ameritrade tried so hard to lie to me on numerous occasions today and I countered him with the facts repeatedly. With every counter he had to check into it further and he would call me back, which he did.
DTCC has not issued a chill order on ICPA and has not sent any correspondence or paperwork to Td Ameritrade in regards to a chill. TDA has taken this action on their own. DTCC officials have confirmed with me that there are Two chill orders on record for ICPA. Each chill dates back to 2010. One order was for reorganization and the other was for a symbol change. Both ordes have been cleared and are no longer in effect. that being said TDA has acted without warrant. Mr. Chris Blue could not explain TDAs actions and saw no reason for the chill.
Mr. Blue called me back conveniently after closing and told me he was still looking into this issue and assured me he would contact me tomorrow and let me know why TDA took the chill action after he spoke to his supervisors. Fifteen minutes later he called me back and left a message on my voice mail stating he forgot he was going out of town for the weekend and could not get back to me until Monday. How convenient! Earlier in one of our conversations I let him know about the massive shorting that has been going on with ICPA and how I believed that Td Ameritrade was behind this shorting and that now they were short shares and they put this chill on ICPA so that TDA customers would sell their shares in panic. His response was that it appears that way but he would look into it further. I smell a Rat!