Attention all Longs calling all Longs !!! If you woke up on the wrongside of the bed today or the old lady is in a mood today just click on Treatys FB page today and watch the 2 new videos ! What can I say but that a picture is worth a 1000 words !!! These videos too me are very compelling and better than all the others combined !!! no rigs, no gauges, no tight spaces inside a trailer, Just plain oil accumulating and a steady hand at the cam helps too .
Any of you ever play with dominos ? placing them too far apart one falls and misses the next. Put em close together and it knocks the other one down. Put a bunch together East Texas, Quarterly, Belize, Funding, Romney win to the white house ? Can you say chain reaction ??? I dont think i need a chart or graph to explain this even to a Noob. Sorry not trying to sound facetious here just extremely confidant as you all should be as well.
Looks like the MM's will hang on to the bitter end Id guess by Q 4 they'd give up the ghost for the most part. But then again their is a difference in confidance and arrogance too so we'll see. I'll take a dime spot if thats all we can muster till next spring !!!
Go friggin TECO !!!