Posted On: 05/08/2014 11:12:59 PM
Post# of 81

trading thoughts, hemp had a 30% rise on wedsday, only to fall 19% on thursday, this week, i messed up, i bought hemp all week, how ever woke up one wensday and sold 70%, for a loss, got scarred, what did i learn, alot, first, do not buy so ,many shares, i got off balanced again, so had to sell, should have only sold 30%, would have balanced me off, but i sold 70% for some dumb reseason, only to see it shoot up one hour after, talk about going on tilt, i have found i would rather lose money, then not make it, good news is i have made this mistake over and over again, and new better then to chase and buy it back, and if i did that would be down big time, at least i didnt do that, but being on tilt, i told my exwife the story, and you could feel the pain, that i was feeling in her, however my daughter in the back seat , said this, Why not make some more money, the way she said it was perfect, she is to young to let money change the way she thinks,not like us, so after my daughters pep talk, i turn the computor back on this morning and started trading once again, and feeling much better, and have learned so much, however we are done with hemp for a while next time we buy will be under 3 cents,, next weeks stock will be rfmk, this stock will go past a penny,

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