Also, do not forget that RFMK stock still has a trade for trade designation (DTC "chill") on it. This will to some degree lessen the overall volume we could have seen otherwise. For instance, all of the potential buyers coming from say a TDAmeritrade cannot buy RFMK right now. Right now the lack of transparency in the face of massive dilution this year, the lack of sales & revenues and the number of traders and investors blocked by this DTC "chill" means that the stock may wind up having difficulties getting the kind buying pressure and volumes needed to move the stock in a way most of us longs would like to see it move. I think that the MJ election momo will come to lift all boats, but because of the sheer size of the float in RFMK, it may turn out to be tough to move the stock the way HEMP has been moving (40%+ everyday) because the HEMP float is about 181M shares versus a 1B float in RFMK. Now depending on the corp news and product announcements we get from now until the election, who knows how many investors could flock to RFMK; if it's enough to fill the large float then the stock will begin to move well IMO. Just know though that the DTC "chill" is blocking a subset of investors who would otherwise be trading in RFMK.