This is from the August 22nd investor's update:
"In the short term, we are ordering 2,000 more units of the CANNAcig and within 30-45 days, we will be ordering 10,000 units of the CANNAcig and the new Cumulus Vapor Inhaler plus accessories, parts etc.
We expect to have a couple of important announcements out within the coming days regarding the product side of the business including the new Cumulus Vapor Inhaler."
We never even heard about the 2000 units in the short term, let alone the 10,000 more that are at this point, a week or more overdue. Never heard anything about the Cumulus either. Not trying to be too negative here, but these are a couple of things that are starting to get me worried. Why hasn't there been an order of Cannacigs for months now? One obvious and kind of scary answer, if you happen to be a long, is that their supply has exceeded the demand for the product and there's been no reason to order more yet. It's also a bit unsettling that no sales numbers have been released yet. Trust me, if they were sold out we'd know it, so they're obviously not. We were also supposed to have the Pocket Puffer out by the end of the summer according to PRs we got this spring, but not much word on that now either. All of these things are going concerns of mine and the reason why I've sold 2.5 million shares at the ask yesterday and earlier today. I've had all of my MJ eggs in mostly one basket for far too long now. Time to diversify. The only thing you can truly be sure of in RFMK is that Tom's not good with deadlines. Still holding a few million shares through elections though. Peace.